Go to Fly!
Hint: Free Member can only fly in simulation mode.
Entering the flight interface with the aircraft connected will automatically synchronize the mission. When the synchronization is complete, the mission panel will display: Ready to Go.
After the mission is successfully synchronized, the mission checklist will pop up automatically. In order to ensure flight safety, we usually need to ensure that each item of the checklist has changed to the normal state.
When the aircraft state is ready to go, the start mission button at the bottom will become clickable. Detailed information on checklists can be found in the following chapter:
During the flight, you can monitor the execution of mission and intervene it whenever needed.
For more features of the flight and mission, you can further refer to the following chapter:
Now you have successfully started a flight mission, the aircraft will automatically return home after completing the mission.
If you connect the aircraft after entering the flight interface, you need to synchronise the mission manually.You can click the button on the left side, or click the sync mission button in the mission checklist.
Click the Start Mission button at the bottom of the Mission Checklist, or click the button on the left side of the map to start mission.