Flight Length
Total length of current route, including distance to and from home.
Estimated Time
Estimated minimum flight time under ideal conditions. (Windless environment, battery and aircraft in good state).
Show Shoot Points
Show where the aircraft take photos.
Show Photo Footprints
Photo Footprints:The imaging range of the photo.
Mapping/Patrol Mission
Show the photo range when camera is looking at the ground(A rectangular area).
Circular Mission
Show the range of viewing angles when the camera shoots horizontally toward the center of the object(A sector area).
Show Ground Elevation
Mapping Mission
Show the sampled elevation (4X4, 16 locations) of the mission bounding rectangle area.
Circular Mission
Show the elevation of the home location and the hotpoint.
Patrol Mission
Show the elevation of each waypoint. Select the waypoint to update the elevation data.
If the elevation data is displayed in red, it means that the flight height of the waypoint may be lower than the ground height. Please pay attention to the surrounding terrain.
Waypoints Count
Mapping Mission
Total waypoints count, not including photo points.
In safe mode, Real Waypoint Count = Photo Points Count + Waypoints Count.
Circular Mission
Safe Mode:Total Waypoints Count.
Fast Mode:Start + End + Photo Points.
Patrol Mission
Total waypoints count.
Route Settings
Maximum flight speed during the mission.
The horizontal speed of the aircraft will not exceed the speed limitation.
Repeat Times
If the repeat times > 1, the aircraft will return to the first waypoint to start over after the mission is completed.
Finished Action
The action will be executed when mission is finished.
Go Home
Aircraft will go home and land.
Auto Land
Aircraft will land at the location of the last waypoint.
Aircraft will hover.