Known Issues
1.8.2~1.8.3: 'Show Flight Path' may cause app crash during flight, please turn off this option. we will fix this issue in 1.8.4.
Autopilot does not support negative altitude now. If one of waypoints has a negative altitude, the mission will stop at that waypoint.
(SOLVED)Before 1.6.4: The mission checklist of Mavic 2 Series always fails(compass state is always unknown). It's a bug caused by the DJI SDK, a workaround is coming soon.
(SLOVED)Before 1.6.4: Air 2S needs to restart app when executing a new mission. It's bug caused by the DJI SDK, and will be fixed after DJI releases the new SDK.
Google Map Tiles will flash while aircraft is updating location. It's a bug in iOS 15.0 when using third-party map tiles.