Create Your First Mission

Create a Mission

Draw a flight route

Patrol Mission:The aircraft will fly along a custom waypoint sequence and execute actions of each waypoint.

The number on each waypoint indicates the index of the waypoint. In this mission, the aircraft will first fly from west to east.

The white arrow with blue stroke represents the heading of the aircraft when it reaches the waypoint. The heading of the aircraft (the direction of the nose) will always be the same as the course direction in default.

Adjust Route

We notice that the white pannel above the waypoint 5 shows 3 elevation data:

  • The ground elevation:281m

  • The relative flight height from the home location:50m

  • The relative elevation between waypoint and ground:-18m

With these intuitive data, you can have a better understanding of the real flight status and avoid risks before flight.

In this case, -18m means that the flight height is lower than the ground elevation. If you continue to fly at this height, the aircraft will have the risk of hitting the ground when it reaches waypoint 5.

Click on the map to select the waypoint 5, and change the flight height to 100m.

The height above the ground has become 32m, which means that the risk of the aircraft hitting the ground has been eliminated.

Good to Know: Please note that the ground elevation data provided in our app is intended for reference only and may not accurately reflect the actual terrain. Therefore, when flying your drone, it's essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the surrounding terrain. In particular, when flying in complex areas or near urban environments, we strongly recommend that you activate the obstacle avoidance feature of your aircraft to minimize the risk of collisions.

Add Actions

We plan to shoot the bridge on the map between the second and third waypoints, we can click on waypoint 2, scroll to the bottom, and add a new waypoint action: Start Recording.

Click the righr arrow to switch to waypoint 3, and add a new action: Stop Recording.

We noticed that the distance from waypoint 2 to waypoint 3 is 317m, and the default flight speed is 10m/s, which means that we will shoot video for about 30s in this section of the route.
